Boys & Girls Clubs of America

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First path program

Since the early 1980s, Maine lobstermen have experienced a climate-driven lobster boom.That’s because cliate change has been warming the Gulf of Maine more than three times faster than 99 percent of the ocean. Warmer waters initially meant more lobster, but by 2050 conditions may become challenging for lobsters to survive in.“They can stand quite a heat, but I don't think they particularly like it,” Lennie Young, an eighth-generation lobsterman from Corea, Maine says. “It's just a waterborne bug, but it keeps you guessing. It doesn't always do what you expect it to do.” 

  • Health and Wellness
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    Grade 3Grade 4
    Ages 6-9Ages 10-12Ages 13-15Ages 16-18
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Paths collection from 18.07

The park’s especially visionary element was the network of subterranean transverse roads, a feature that allowed pedestrians and carriages alike to enjoy the park without disturbing each other. More than a century later, much of the original park infrastructure, such as the Mall, the Lake, and the Pond, still exists.The park’s especially visionary element was the network of subterranean transverse roads.

  • Age level
    Grade 4
    Ages 16-18